The story focuses on the life of a young girl, Jodie, who has a special ability to see or feel things beyond this world. Beyond life. Game doesn’t follow Jodie’s life chronologically and jumps from point to point in her lifetime to give the player better picture of who she is and what she can do. Ever since she was a child, she shares a bond with an entity she calls Aiden. That entity isn’t controlled by her, but two two of them cannot go separate ways. This ability, and this bond they share have made her feel like a lab rat all her life. Eventually, she was even recruited and trained by CIA because of her special gift. But what will happen when she decides she no longer wants to be anyone’s puppet and decides to break off and go her own way… will she be let to do so, or will she be hunted down…
Much like Heavy Rain, player has multitude of choices during the game which may in minor or major way affect the overall story with several different endings. During gameplay, player can switch between Jodie and Aiden at any time. While controlling Jodie, player can explore the surrounding, interact with objects, talk to other characters or fight if in such situation. While controlling Aiden, player can float around up to a limited distance from Jodie, and sometimes move or trash certain objects. As the story progresses, Aiden will be able to possess or even kill certain characters.