Haze is a first-person shooter centered around Shane Carpenter, a young soldier in Mantel’s army. The game is set in the year 2048. By this time the UN, NATO and many national armies have been disbanded. A company called Mantel Global Industries controls the world’s largest and most powerful military organisation, supplying all of their soldiers with a drug known as Nectar, boosting their combat abilities. Mantel’s army is tasked with all peacekeeping operations which arise.
After sending out Carpenter and his squad to the Boa Region of South America, in order to neutralize The Promise Hand, a group of rebels inhabiting the region, Carpenter soon finds out his mission is not what it appears to be. After an unexpected twist of events, Carpenter finds himself on the rebels’ side, fighting against his former comrades.
The two factions fight differently: as a Mantel soldier the player has the option of using Nectar, thus making targeting and aiming more precise and powering the player’s melee attacks. After realizing that the Mantel army’s goal of achieving peace is only a lie fed to the brainwashed soldiers, the player has different fighting abilities among the rebels, like playing dead, laying grenade traps and being able to cause Nectar overdoses on Mantel troops. These overdoses make the soldiers berserk, disorientate them and make them unable to distinguish friend from foe.
The single-player campaign also features a cooperative option to play along with three friends. The multi-player features deathmatch, team deathmatch and an objective based assault mode.