During the era of space exploration, a faction of humans colonized the planet Helghan. In order to survive in the harsh environment, these people mutated to the point of no longer remaining human. They developed a passionate hatred for mankind, and eventually formed the Helghast Empire, attacking the planet Vekta controlled by the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (ISA). As Helghast soldiers invade the planet’s perimeter, the ISA forces are trying to hold the ground and find a way to stop them.
Killzone is a sci-fi-themed first-person shooter. The game’s stand-out feature is the ability to control any of the four different protagonists, each with his or her own strengths and weaknesses. These characters are: Templar, the balanced squad leader; Rico, who prefers heavy weaponry and is on a quest for revenge; Luger, the team’s only female member and a specialist in stealth, who can access special areas; and Hakha, a half-Helghast who can use Helghast weapons and proximity mines.
Up to sixteen players can compete in the online multiplayer portion, which includes eight maps and six modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Assault, Defend and Destroy, Supply Drop, and Domination.