Real Heroes: Firefighter is a novel firefighting simulator geared towards family audiences. The player takes control of a rookie firefighter in Fire Company 13 to rescue a city besieged by constant disasters. The game features a proprietary “Thinking Fire” system to simulate fire, playback of voice acting from the Wii Remote, and gesture recognition to recreate the feel of handling various firefighting tools.
The game is played from a first-person perspective, and uses the same control scheme as many other first-person action games on the Wii. The player uses the Wii Remote to look around and the Nunchuk analog stick to walk/run. The campaign features eight missions in a variety of settings, such as a steel factory, a high-rise office building, and an amusement park, with three difficulty settings. Objectives include evacuating children from their homes, rappelling down elevator shafts, sawing through wrecked cars and extinguishing fires of all sizes alongside the rest of Fire Company 13.